Villeroy & Boch
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Brochures from Villeroy & Boch

Detailed, informative and clearly organised.

Find out here about new products in the bathroom and wellness sector or receive more detailed explanations and suggestions about the respective collections. The Villeroy & Boch brochures keep you up to date with the latest trends as well as more specialised topics such as saunas and whirlpools. 

Main catalogues


World of bathrooms

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World of bathrooms


Villeroy&Boch colour concept

Experience moments in colour - now also in your bathroom

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Colour concept booklet

Further brochures and information material

Moderne bad med hvitt Antao-badekar og servant.


In touch with nature

Moderne baderomsinnredning med rund, lyseblå Artis-servant, gule buedetaljer og stilig belysning


Colour at its most beautiful

Et hvitt ViClean-I 100 dusjtoalett i et grått baderom.

ViClean I-100

Refreshingly hygienic and pleasantly clean

Hvitt baderom med buegang og en hvit Loop & Friends-servant.

Loop & Friends

For special places

En kvinne og et barn vasker en gul gummistøvel i en Subway 3.0 vask.

Subway 3.0

Designed for life

Et moderne bad med dusj med glasskabin, skjult toalettsystem bak en marmorplate, veggpaneler i tre og et lite svart bord med toalettsaker og pyntegjenstander.


The clever connection

Moderne bad med trepanel, vegghengt toalett med ovalt speil, liten hvit servant med stort speil og hylle med utstyr. Til høyre står det en stige med svart ramme som dekorasjon og oppbevaring.


One collection. Many design options


Hot tubs

Sustainable relaxation


Competent and for every occasion

Service and advice

Find a dealer

Find your local Villeroy & Boch dealer who will be able to give you expert advice on planning your bathroom.

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Villeroy & Boch-ansatte jobber ved skrivebordene i et åpent kontorlandskap, en ansatt gir råd via videosamtale.

Online video consultation

Simply uncomplicated: Discuss your bathroom project flexibly online with our experts, competently and free of charge.

Go to video consultation

Top product categories

  • Table cutlery
  • Decanter
  • Wall-mounted washbasins
  • Rimless toilets

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